Natural Yield Microgreens and Hydroponic Consulting Services
We have 30+ years experience in building and operating hydroponic systems (and in recent years Microgreens!) ranging from NFT, Drip, Flood and Drain, and Aeroponics systems.
Our goal is to provide as much information and advice for free through our various channels including our articles and recently launched You Tube channel. We will continue to grow those resources and our first goal to helping you.
Some of you though, just need a bit more time and "hands-on" help. We are happy to offer these services.
We help with
- Design and build either in buildings or shipping containers
- Dealing with considerations from climate control (temperature, humidity, air circulation, lighting)
- Planning grow operations layout, crop species selection
- Cleaning, sanitization, food safety
- Automation and analytics
- Business planning, operational management, technology and software solutions
- Retail advertising, promotion, packaging

Suitable for
- Small and emerging Microgreen and Hydroponic Growers
- Restaurant Owners and Chefs
- Health Practitioners - Naturopaths, Dieticians, Nutritionists
If you want to get going in the very exciting business of microgreens and hydroponics, but just need a helping hand getting started we can help! Reach out to us at info@naturalyield.com.au and the right person will get in touch with you.