Want free stuff to taste? Great, we want taste testers!
For the last year we have been working on a range of freeze-dried, stone-milled products that are high in nutrients and flavour - it is called "Potent Powders."
We have worked hard on our packaging to ensure the products store well. We have enlisted many family and friends to test. We will be launching the range early in the new year.
We need to extend our testing to more people so we can do our last tweaks and product selection for the launch. Do you want to help? We will be giving away free samples to the first 20 people that sign-up.
Here is what we need from you:
- Vote on the top 5 products you would want for yourself
- Be prepared to give feedback on the products you test
The only conditions we have are that there is only one submission per address and that you live in Australia.
What are the things you should be considering for your products votes?
- Culinary or Nutritional value. For example you might vote for Broccoli Powder if you really want potent disease-fighting power, or you might vote for Lime if you want to make a potent Lime Tart. Two very good but very different motivations!
- Flavour. If you are a baker or cook you will be thinking about what flavours you can enhance (stocks, dishes, smoothies, cheesecakes with fruits or berries for example)
- Colour. If you are a baker you might be thinking about what colors you can boost in a cake icing.
- Nutrition. All of the items in each category have their own nutritional profile which is multiplied 20x by the freeze drying process (gram for gram). It could be a good way of targeting particular health issues, or it could just be a good way of sneaking greens into your kids meals!
The data we get back from these votes will help us determine our product range at launch, and will also inform us as to the samples we send you for testing. All you have to do is fill out the form below.
What happens next?
We will let you know if you were in the first round of testers (basically, its first-in-first-served! We will most likely be doing other rounds of testing so even if you don't get in on the first round you are still in the running for the second round.
Upon selection, in the next month or so, we will be in touch to update you on when you will receive your samples (and to get your address).